Wednesday 22 October 2008

Test Shooting

I decided to do some shot tests with the cameras that i will be using for shooting my project. This is just one of many done over the past few days, and was a test of the depth of field (DOF) capabilities.
The camera used in this test is the Panasonic AG HPX-500. This is the studio based camera that will be used for any green screen work, but possibly for location shooting as well, and retails at $14,000.00
The other camera that will be used for location shoots is the Panasonic AG HVX-200, which is the camera that was used to shoot some of the movie Cloverfield, which required a handheld look to the footage. This camera retails at around $5,000.00
In case there is any interest, this shot was wide open at F1.8, a 35mm focal length, low lighting to avoid overexposing, and the cone in the shot was approximately 30" from the cameras focal plane. Unfortunately this is a very small sample, and has been compressed 3 times by the time it is seen here, but hopefully it still gives some impression of the shallow DOF achievable with these cameras.