Wednesday 22 October 2008

Test Shooting

I decided to do some shot tests with the cameras that i will be using for shooting my project. This is just one of many done over the past few days, and was a test of the depth of field (DOF) capabilities.
The camera used in this test is the Panasonic AG HPX-500. This is the studio based camera that will be used for any green screen work, but possibly for location shooting as well, and retails at $14,000.00
The other camera that will be used for location shoots is the Panasonic AG HVX-200, which is the camera that was used to shoot some of the movie Cloverfield, which required a handheld look to the footage. This camera retails at around $5,000.00
In case there is any interest, this shot was wide open at F1.8, a 35mm focal length, low lighting to avoid overexposing, and the cone in the shot was approximately 30" from the cameras focal plane. Unfortunately this is a very small sample, and has been compressed 3 times by the time it is seen here, but hopefully it still gives some impression of the shallow DOF achievable with these cameras.

Sunday 12 October 2008

Conceptual Work

Here are a few concept paintings for the project. All environments at the moment as that is the main priority for the project. Character designs to come soon though. These are really just lighting and mood explorations. All done in Photoshop.

Friday 10 October 2008

Uncharted Podcast 01


Uncharted Podcast 01

To listen to this podcast, you can either click the link above and wait for it to load, or right-click the link and choose 'save as' or 'save target as'.

Running Length: 4:50