Here is an update on the first matte painting that i am working on utilising the plates shot in the New Forest. The final shot is very nearly complete. All that is left to do is to add some low lying mist gently rolling along the surface of the water. This should help add more of a tropical atmosphere to the final shot, and be the final touch in shifting the environment away from the British setting that still sits there underneath all the matte painting. I ended up primarily just keeping the water and banking from the plate, along with one foreground tree, and the rest of the shot has been either heavily repainted or completely replaced. Given a little more time, there are still some changes that i would have liked to have made to finesse the shot a little more, but in general I am fairly happy with this now, and i must press on with the next similar shot.
These images show a frame from the nearly finalised shot, and a comparison frame of the shot before the work began i.e. the plate exactly as it was filmed in Hampshire.
Matte Painting:
Here is a 'work in progress' render of the shot, before i have added the final pieces mentioned above. I apologise if this appears a little dark, Vimeo's compression seems to darken the videos considerably:
I will be making a start on the next shot now, so more updates should come soon!